Monday, March 7, 2011

Me BEGGING you to join נυѕʇι¢є Clan

Whazzzzz uppp dawgg xDSo did yer know I have a clan?Well I do!Its called נυѕʇι¢є and it is oh-so-awesomely cool!Only the haut people are allowed in,No noob-boobs! Meetings are on ~SATURDAYS~ and are hosted by Me,Abi,and ❤Ŀ♡Ʊ❤ נυѕʇι¢є❤ (She was our very first member and she owns the HQ <3)...Our clan/family USED to be called Red but the Bleues got all frisky bout it >=[ Tsk-tsk its otay though...I keep meh coooolll =3

Hope ya join us...Oh come   on.....Do it for the children =3
BITCH I SAID JOIN! Just kiddannggg!(Sorta)!

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