Yo yo yo,
This shawty in the hizzleeee
Its been a while since I last updated, and I just decided I ought to let ya'll know whazz new wit me and why I haven't updated for so long~
I haven't updated because...I'm uber-lazy like that. So kiss my fat ass<3 Jk ilya'll fanz xD
And,Whats new wit me???I'll tell you whats new with me...
Question 1:"So Shawty,Whats the #1 Thing on your mind at the moment?
My response to this question was very deep, because as ya'll know, I am quite the poet,am very artistic,and amongst all my fabulous traits,am a deep thinker!So my respone:
".....Things that start with the letter P...heheh...I said pee =3"
as you can tell, I am truly a simple genious.
The next question That Shawty asked me was:
"So Shawty,What have you been up to lately?"
Oh this one was EASY to answer.
Simple:"Well,Every day i'm shufflin."
And finally, The most important question of the entire interview:
"Shawty,Coke or Pepsi?"
"I'm afraid that question is getting to personal."
So,Thats all for tonight...