Sunday, June 19, 2011

Like to thank-you for what a hit נυѕʇι¢є has become!

So I'm not usually the type to give speeches because most people find them a dragg but..
It just had to be said :)
נυѕʇι¢є has become so popular that people actually join because their friends reccommended it!
If I were to take the credit, I'd be lieing,
So heres to all the lovely נυѕʇι¢є members out there,
Heres to Corn for organizing most of the events,
Heres to anybody who joined in the last two months or joined in general!
Ya'll have helped to make the נυѕʇι¢є family not only spread like wildfire,
But create a legacy we can all sit back and be proud of now.
ѕнαωту נυѕʇι¢є
P.S. Special shoutout to all those who participated in the Save נυѕʇι¢є Recruiting Mission.

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